Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh owww...

We had a visitor this weekend. The kids loved her being around. I did too... as long as we weren't in the gym. Because she kicked my arse into gear, and oh good gravy, I'm SO FREAKING SORE now.
Yep, aunt Camille came to visit us for the first time in SoAZ! M and P loved it, they had such a blast playing with her and laughing hysterically. We took her to see the sights, which was basically just Tombstone and Bisbee... yeah. Not that thrilling when she was only down from Thursday until today. But it was fun! She helped me take the kids to the Christmas parade last night. OOOOOOOH my gosh, that sucker was long! It started at 5:30pm and we took the kids home at 7:30 because we were too cold to keep standing there, even though the parade was still going on!
Some pictures...


MaryBeth said...

You guys made it all the way to 7:30? Way to go! We bailed around 7:00.

Anonymous said...

That is neat. I always loved it when someone came to visit us and we could show them how cool AZ really is

The Wheelers said...

all those kids have great smiles! tell your mom hi for us...