Maybe being me is okay.
Because it means I get to buy $1 watercolors from Walmart, fill some sparkly shaky cups up with water, and then I get to watch masterpieces being created right before my eyes.
I get to see the intense thought process that goes into creating a work of art.
Oh, those eyelashes.
I get to watch beauty creating beauty.
I see bystanders who appreciate art being created in front of them, even if they don't want to create themselves. They just want to snack and watch.
Maybe seeing the annoyance of an artist at having a camera in their face, maybe that's more entertaining than watching the latest TV show. It's certainly cuter.
Yes, definitely cuter. Even the "really... you're doing this now? I'm a little busy." look.
I get to appreciate the sheer amount of color that comes into your life when you have children. And I don't just mean the amazing variety of shades that Crayola has managed to come up with.
Maybe having a mess to clean up is okay, because of what and who created that mess.
Yes, I definitely need to remember that more.